Stefan Schmidt
Financial Coach
B.A. Psychology, B.ES. Architecture
Gallup - Certified Strengths Coach
Purchased Informoney Inc. in 2019 after being an employee since 2001, having transitioned from the architectural industry.
I head up the design team to continually improve the simplicity of our client reporting. Every client is unique and we understand that custom reports can achieve higher levels of confidence in this complex world.
I aim to bring a unique understanding to the financial industry. My education in psychology, architecture/design, computer technology are all instrumental in finding both a deeper understanding of finance but also a critical mind to challenge outdated views.
Russell Schmidt
Certified Financial Planner
BSc., M.Ed., LLQP, CFP
Small Business Specialist
Officially started Informoney Inc. in 1998 as a full service Financial Planning company, after 9 years in industry.
An educator - at heart - I have always interacted with clients from a strategy point of view, rather than product focus. I find great satisfaction in being a part of a clients growth both financially and personally.
Check out my recent book Also ‘Discover the Joy of extraSpending’. Change your life by turning overSpending or underSpending into extraSpending.
Also check out previous book 'Twenty One Days to a Happy Heart'. An easy read at 55 pages with some insights for those on the journey to personal fulfillment. There is a companion Journal to start writing your way to happiness.
I freelance as a 10x Coach working for Strategic Coach. I coach workshops throughout the year helping successful entrepreneurs strategize about taking their business to 10x level. Celebrating my 20th year of coaching.
Chantal Reynolds
Banking & Wealth Management
I'm an up and coming Financial Planner. I recently graduated from Sheridan College and am currently writing my exams to fulfill my financial qualifications for Certified Financial Planner and Insurance License LLQP.
Where we started and how we got here...
Established in 1980, Informoney has evolved from a small tax preparation sole proprietorship to its present form as an incorporated financial planning company. The years from 1989 until 1997 were spent associated with a major insurance and mutual fund company. In 1998, Informoney Financial Planning moved to its own premises and chose FundEX Investments Inc. as our Mutual Fund Dealer in order to begin the process of freeing clients from the steering effects of a commission based industry.
In 2001, we took the next step by introducing The Informoney Financial Program TM, a 7-Step process provided for a fee and focused on Strategy. In a time-challenged world we have the ability to search out and incorporate time-tested strategies and state-of-the-art technology to provide solutions that work. Our clients have the additional luxury of personal attention due to our low client-to-planner ratio. We intend to continue being leaders in the industry and are presently working on products to improve industry accountability.
Recently, Informoney made the move from the Mutual Fund industry to what is called Private Client Equity. Technology and efficient investments have dramatically lowered the entry criteria so that average investors can now have their own portfolios and benefit from Private Client Equity strategies previously only available to wealthy individuals.